Use documents that cover longer periods if you can, such as. B annual statements, municipal tax accounts or university letters and certificates. This means you don`t have to submit as many documents. You can provide your Social Security number when applying so that we can confirm your residence in the UK using automated verification. If you do not agree with the result of this check, you must upload further proof of your residence in the UK in your application. They must be photos or scans of documents – please do not publish them. When you apply for the EU settlement system, you don`t have to provide proof of your entire residence in the UK – just enough to show whether you qualify for a regulated or predetermined status. You should only need to present 1 document dated from the last 6 months to obtain the pre-established status. The documents you use must come from an official or unbiased source. All documents you submit as evidence must be dated and bear your name.

Start the online application and fill in your ID details. You will need to upload a digital photo of yourself and send your ID to the Home Office at the end of the application You can upload a maximum of 10 documents to prove your residence in the UK. Each document cannot exceed 6 MB. We will contact you if we need more information. These documents are considered proof for 1 month if they have a single date. They can be used to cover a longer period if they have a start and end date of more than one month. Further information on the number of documents that can be submitted and the maximum size of each document from a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point If you do not have enough evidence on your behalf, we will work with you to confirm that you were a resident of the UK based on all available evidence. Change your contact information – for example, your home address A document with only one date counts as proof of residence for that month, such as a monthly electricity.B bill, an official letter, or an appointment card from the family doctor. a family member of an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen who has become a British citizen, a family member of a British citizen and you have lived with him or her outside the UK in an EU or EEA country or in Switzerland This advice applies to England. See Tips for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales You have gaps in your social security record – for example, if you haven`t worked at a visa application centre for some time – if you`re applying from abroad, you only need to present 1 piece of evidence to cover each month or a longer period. You do not yet have a biometric residence card or biometric residence permit The following lists of proofs are not exhaustive.

We may consider other forms of evidence on a case-by-case basis. Passport, “biometric residence card” or “biometric residence permit” if you are coming from outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland Updated proof of residence lists, additional advice on what to do if you do not have enough evidence on your behalf to provide proof that you have lived here if we cannot confirm this through automated UK tax verification and some UK tax records Benefits. Documents that cover a longer period between 2 dates include: passport or ID card if you are a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, your local library – find your local library on GOV.UK text phone (with next generation text): 18001 0333 344 5675. . .
