• Abuses are more likely to be granted in a positive climate of industrial relations, and more cooperative and harmonious climates between unions and management are likely to increase the likelihood that complaints will be granted or partially granted (Dastmalchian and Ng 1990). A breach of the terms of the contract or the perception of a breach usually leads to a complaint. The process is specific to each contract, so we will discuss the process in general. A complaint is usually filed by an employee and then dealt with by union representatives. Most contracts specify how the complaint is to be initiated, what steps are required to conclude the procedure, and which representatives of both parties will hear the complaint. Usually, HR is involved in most of the steps of this process. Since HRM knows the contract intimately, it makes sense for them to be included. The basic process is illustrated in Figure 12.8 “Example of a Complaint Process”. As a manager or supervisor, keep an eye on the performance, violations and complaints of each of your employees. This allows you to visualize the problems that may arise in your department and predict them before they reach an extreme point.

For example, if an employee in your department has been reported for harassing their colleague, start implementing a behavior plan for the employee and track their progress over a period of time. In this situation, it would also be beneficial to follow the employee who has been harassed and give him or her all the support he or she needs. In 42% of the units surveyed, the first step in the grievance process was verbal with the grieving person, often accompanied by the union administrator who spoke to the supervisor. In 25% of the units, the collective agreement stipulated that discussions between the grievor and the supervisor must take place before the complaint became a formal complaint, and in these cases the complaint procedure was reserved for written complaints. In 17% of cases, the first stage of the appeal process required an oral approach followed by a written complaint, and in 11% of cases, the written or oral alternative was at the discretion of the grieving person (Gandz, 1978, p. 37). From the employee`s perspective, the greatest weaknesses may be the delay in processing the complaint and the cumbersome procedure itself, both of which may discourage employees from using the complaint procedure (Lewin and Peterson, 1988, p. 28).

As one union representative said, in other cases it will be up to the shop steward to present the case. This can be done by following these four steps. Sometimes it is useful to make a small plan in writing. If an employee feels they have been wronged – whether it`s an unfair paycheck, an unpleasant assignment, or sexual harassment – they can file a complaint with the company they work for. This is a formal complaint procedure that usually contains rules that the investigator must follow. A complaint is a formal complaint from an employee that is filed when an employee or group of employees is negatively affected by violations of workplace policies or contractual terms. In unionized companies, complaints are usually filed if the terms of the collective agreement are not met. In non-unionized workplaces, employee complaints are often filed when a written company policy has been misinterpreted or misapplied.

If an employee is not satisfied with their work environment, they have the right to file a complaint with their supervisor or supervisor. A complaint may relate to the financial, social, physical and emotional aspects of a position or workplace. • There was no evidence that the more cooperative relations between the union and management were characterized by significant concessions by management in complaint procedures (Gandz 1979, 787). Communication function The existence of a functional complaint procedure fulfils a communication function, as it can help management to become aware of problems in the workplace and, conversely, can also contribute to the dissemination of management policy. (Thomson and Murray 1976, p. 43) Loewenberg, J.J. 1984. Structure of the appeal procedure. Arbeitsrecht Journal 35: 44-51. While complaint procedures should exist to provide a forum to resolve issues, any complaint is detrimental to both parties. Management and employees are distracted from their main task while a solution is sought. Decisions made in the appeal process do not result in a gain.

A decision puts things in a state that would have been the case if the complaint had never taken place. The only thing that differs from how things should have been in the first place is that someone is likely to be unhappy with the outcome. (Veglahn 1977, p. 122) When complaint procedures are effective, they help management identify and resolve issues within an organization before they become bigger issues. In some cases, grievance resolution becomes a kind of dashboard that reinforces an “us vs. them” mentality between work and management. It is crucial that a company`s complaint procedures include measures to avoid a backlash against those who choose to use them. Historical Note: In the years leading up to the introduction of formal grievance procedures, the union representative was responsible for ensuring that the union and management complied with the collective agreement. After the unionization of industrial workers in the 1930s, it was the shop steward who assumed the role of “contract policeman,” but often without the formal powers to force management to comply with the agreement. Management has generally resolved union complaints in accordance with its own interpretation of the contract. The complaint procedure therefore provides both parties with the mechanism to ensure compliance with the collective agreement. (Lewin and Peterson 1988, 25-6) If something unfair happens to employees at work, their company may have a formal process called a complaint they could file.

In this article, we explain how companies use complaint procedures. Complaint procedures do not necessarily have to be so formal and cumbersome, and in fact, overly formal complaint procedures often discourage the timely publication of disputes. In small companies, procedures may consist of a few lines in a personnel manual or the appointment of a single mediator to deal with problems as they develop. Peer review of employee concerns is another popular way to deal with complaints. .
