Use an advanced search function to view collective agreements. Try it now. A three-year extension agreement that will come into effect from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2024. Salary increases of 1% on May 1 of each year. PooranLaw will continue to monitor legal developments related to labour law and collective bargaining in Ontario. In the meantime, if you need legal help to create these guidelines, we recommend that you contact your regular PooranLaw lawyer or a member of our team. The service provides research and analysis support to a wide range of clients, including government, labour and management, school boards, law firms, negotiators and academics. OPSEU represents employees in too many collective bargaining units to provide individual employers with copies of collective agreements on the website. If you can`t find your collective agreement on this page, you can search for it in our private member area, the members portal.

Please log in to the member portal to check if your collective agreement has been published for you. The province uses this data to create reports such as the Bargaining Update, which provides the public with information on labour relations and collective bargaining. Documents supporting the collective agreement, such as changes, agreements and the results of the salary update, can be provided by email or by contacting the CBA analyst at 780-427-8301. British Columbia Government and Services Union. Copies of provincial framework agreements for public servants and public sector employees B.C. Free. Ontario Hospital Association. Local collective agreements online, in alphabetical order, by union name. Free.

Contact for inquiries about collective bargaining ontario or help viewing collective bargaining reports You can submit your collective agreement online via our easy-to-use web form. Try. Collective agreements can be researched in the following areas organized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). of the laboratory. Labour-Management Standards Office – Collective Agreements File: Online lists of private and public sector collective agreements covering 1,000 or more workers, excluding railways and airlines, are included in this file. You can also contact your staff representative or the regional office nearest you to obtain a copy of your collective agreement. A list of all regional offices can be found here. The government is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act with respect to the provision of agreements containing personal data such as employee names. This information will be withheld before the agreement is made available for research. Collective Bargaining Information Services collects, analyzes and distributes information in approximately 13,300 collective bargaining relationships in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Labour – Collective Agreements Electronic Library Portal The Collective Agreements e-Library Portal hosts collective agreements from Ontario`s public and private sectors. Search for collective agreements and related generations on the self-service online portal.

You can search the portal of the electronic library of collective agreements by sector: construction; health and social security services; Manufacturing; education and related services; agriculture and natural resources; public administration; trade and finance; transportation, communications and utilities; Other services. In addition to a database containing information on industrial relations and collective bargaining, an up-to-date directory of collective agreements and arbitral awards (arbitral awards) is maintained and made available to clients. The Collective Agreements e-Library portal hosts collective agreements from Ontario`s public and private sectors. Browse collective agreements and their generations through the online self-service portal. There are a variety of ways to search. It feels like hours of fun. The most up-to-date agreement is not always there in my experience (because there is often a delay in its introduction to the library), but it is nevertheless a very useful database for anyone interested in the language and trends of collective bargaining. Here is the link to the searchable database for collective agreements. As many people in our industry already know, Ontario has an online database of collective agreements. These are generally up-to-date, with the most recent or second most recent collective agreement applying to all unionized workplaces in Ontario.

This can be a useful source for collective bargaining with similar employers in the industry and is an important resource for collective bargaining. Collective Bargaining Ontario provides neutral information on collective bargaining. The resources and tools aim to support a prosperous and stable professional relationship climate by providing access to open and transparent information. In some cases, the file does not contain a complete copy of the agreement, but only memoranda, letters or summaries. Commission québécoise de la Construction de Québec. Current agreements by sector, in English. Free. Negotech. Full text of Canadian agreements for certain bargaining units with 100 or more persons under provincial jurisdiction, all bargaining units under federal jurisdiction and all large bargaining units with 500 or more employees. Available. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Government of Alberta`s CBA research page, you can contact the CBA analyst at 780-427-8301.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development announced that it would preview its revamped web portal for the service. The new design includes a variety of new analyses, including information on collective bargaining in Ontario, expiry schedules for various collective agreements, a variety of industry-specific collective bargaining data, and a redesigned search engine. Currently, users need to download an app to view this information. This preview is available until March 10, 2021 and allows you to submit feedback on the new design. The old website remains online in the meantime. OPSEU represents employees in too many collective bargaining units to make copies of collective agreements available to individual employers on the website. If you can`t find your collective agreement on this page, you can view it in our private member area – the members portal. Please log in to the member portal to check if your collective agreement has been published for you. You can also contact your staff representative or the regional office nearest you to obtain a copy of your collective agreement. A list of all regional offices can be found here.

Two four-year extension agreements valid from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2024. . .
