.Autoblocking and semi-locking     Semi automatic locking

Semi-automatic blocking (PUB) is used on single-track and double-track low-cost railway sections for interval traffic control of trains. It is called semi-automatic, since a change in the signal readings partially occurs automatically under the influence of the wheels of the rolling stock

Automatic blocking with tone track circuits and centralized placement of equipment (ABT-C)

SBSPU – signal-blocking with hydrophobic filler, reinforced polyethylene insulation.

At ABT-C, all relay equipment is installed at the posts of EC of the stations protecting the stage. If the span length does not exceed 8 km, then the equipment may be located at one of these stations; if it does not exceed 16 km, the equipment is divided between stations in half; if the length of the span is more than 16 km, then the transportable module is installed in the middle of the span and the whole equipment is divided into three parts.

The main disadvantage of ABT-C: cable line.

Microprocessor auto-lock, unified on a single element base
This AB with decentralized placement of equipment (near passing traffic lights).

The main element of microprocessor AB is a microprocessor transceiver (WFP), which is used in three versions:

1) MPP-01F – installed in a relay cabinet of passing traffic lights;

2) MPP-02F – designed to work in relay cabinets of entrance traffic lights;

3) MPP-03F – installed on EC posts.

This automatic blocking can work with any kind of train traction with a 3 or 4-digit alarm system and in the mode of code or tone track circuits.

MPP-01F performs the following functions:

1) control of the state of rail lines and the transfer of information on the rail line between signal points;

2) the formation of signals ALSN and ALS-EN (with increased importance of indications at the locomotive traffic light);

3) control of traffic lights of even and odd directions;

4) generation and transmission of diagnostic information from the distillation equipment to the station device.

MPP-02F performs all of the above functions except for controlling the lights, but only controls their integrity.

MPP-03F links AB with the EC and ARM-system (on electromechanics).

Block diagram of AB-UE in the mode of tonal track circuits

UZS RL – the device of protection and coordination of the rail line;

UZS PRM – device for protection and coordination of the receiver;

L, OL – two-wire communication line;

KRL – control of the rail line;

F1 is the frequency;

SG1 – synchro-group (determines the belonging to this second-hand);

K6 – a code combination that carries information about the indications of a leading traffic light;

S.t. – signal point.

All transceivers are made according to the scheme two by two. In each transceiver there are two independent channels, in each channel there are two subchannels (Fig. 9).

Diagram two for two

SC – control scheme;

PC – subchannels;

IM – interface module.