Digital section of Europe and the Great Britain  on RAILWAYS

In 1996, the EU agreed that the European Rail Traffic Management System (NRBM) should become the standard for all high-speed rail lines in Europe. It was this coordination that made it possible to organize a seamless high-speed rail link on the European continent. This was further extended to conventional European rail networks. EYTM8 is an alarm and train control system that is designed to facilitate cross-border traffic through Europe, to increase safety, reliability and power, and to reduce the cost of

maintaining the state of the railways. It includes:

• An alarm system that controls and protects trains, known as the European Train Control System (ETS8)

• a radio communication system (currently used on railways throughout Europe) that provides voice and data transmission, known as 08M-I

• a traffic management system to optimize the movement of trains through “smart” interpretation of train schedules and data, known as European Traffic Level Management L (under development)

Network Rail, the leading organization of British railways, being at the origins of the digital world of the country (London’s metro is also in charge of it), not only introduced practical rules for using BIM in practice at the level of how to build (reconstruct) stations, for example railway or subway [10], but also managed to issue a decision of the Government of the country, actually describing the elements of the railway BIM library for interchange stations and nodes [11]. The same Network Rail has become an ETCS testing ground, apparently, thanks in large part to its digital backlog. This company modeled the European system in the southwest on the Waterloo Highway, suggesting that the ETCS 3 level is used in combination with the automatic train operation mode (to assist in train movement) and movement.

The economic conclusions repeatedly checked and reported to Parliament in 2016 showed that the Train Management System can provide up to 40% more power on certain sections of traffic than at present, and about 30% less cost than on a regular line. It is expected that there will be a further reduction in construction costs and time savings, which are expected to come from a simpler, automated design process and the elimination of part of the infrastructure on the roads, among other factors, but this will depend on the adaptation of the new architecture and these economic effects to be calculated. Other benefits will include more flexibility.

For example, this solution allows you to calculate how to work with slow electric trains, which can be closer to each other during peak hours, and fast trains (which should be located further from each other). This was the price of avoiding a fixed grid for controlling the movement of trains.

For both ETCS levels 2 and 3, on the side of the track, the signals are replaced with displays inside the Cab

The driver. The system begins to monitor the position of trains using sensors installed on the train and electronic beacons attached to the track. they report their location and speed to the center (RBC) using radio signals. The RBC receives information from all trains in a specific work area, which allows it to display real digital traffic on the network. he checks with the route whether everything is clear and leaves it for a particular train, and then passes the authority of movement (and other information) directly to the driver’s cab (Fig. 3). Trains are in almost constant contact with the RBC, minimizing the time lag between sections of the track and getting information about when sections become available. In some sections of the track, early notifications that the track ahead is free can reduce the amount of time spent braking or accelerating unnecessarily, increasing throughput compared to the result achieved with the old signaling. A key feature of the ETCS-3 level is that train detection no longer relies on equipment along the way (as opposed to level 2). Instead, the security of a critical task, namely determining which section of the road is occupied, is done using an onboard computer and RBC. It is the report submitted to the Parliament of Great Britain [15] that we mainly used as the most technically and economically verified.

however, all these results were preceded by a huge innovative program Netwok Rail. It is clear that, following cities, aviation and, for example, platforms for oil and gas production at sea, technologies of the Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, big data and modern communication systems have been tested, taking into account the characteristics of the railway and, above all, security allowed them to come to a balanced start of the process. For example, it was the increase in battery life on sensors up to more than 10 years and their enormous cheapening that allowed them to equip both the trains themselves and the roadside infrastructure.

Of all the many innovations implemented on British roads, for each of which small messages are issued, let us single out an example of how a mobile phone and simple SMS messages helped to organize work correctly and conveniently, and also saved money and time. We give this simple-minded text of a message about the implementation of a simple innovation:

“PROGRAM: Network Rail Track Task setting: For night inspections, lighting is necessary, but due to the problem of access to cables for switching lights, the equipment for switching on / off cannot be installed along the carriages on the tracks. SOLUTION: Network Rail has a lighting installation program at a number of key intersections across the country specifically to support the track.

inspections to be carried out at night, which provides significant savings for the business. At the same time the light is turned on / off using SMS. It was such a successful implementation that it is intensively used and developed.


 The article discusses the topic of a digital railroad. This is one of the typical examples of infrastructure projects in the digital economy. By using the UK and Network Rail as examples, we discuss prerequisites for opening works on the implementation of elements of the digital economy in the railway industry. The article provides a list of projects implemented during the transition to digital railroads. The result of these transformations will increase the throughput of railways, allow cheaper transportation, real-time monitoring of rolling stock and infrastructure, improving the accuracy of informing passengers and consignees, allow predictive maintenance planning, and most importantly, seamless travel integration with other modes of transport.

Keywords—railroads, digital economy, infrastructure.
